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How to Identify a Dental Emergency
We always like to start articles like this with a quick disclaimer: If you are currently in excruciating pain, go to the hospital immediately or dial 9-1-1 if you feel that you cannot safely get to your nearest emergency room.
There are multiple ways to identify a dental emergency, and they are relatively apparent for the most part. However, we would like to note that with regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups, chances are most dental emergencies will not apply to you. This is not always the case, but regular oral health maintenance is the best way to avoid serious complications that are not injury-related.
Cosmetic Damage
Generally, chipping, cracking, or breaking a tooth, is categorized as a dental emergency. For one thing, it can feel very unpleasant to walk around with a chipped tooth. However, significant damage could have happened to the root or the placement of the tooth in your jaw. For example, if you hit the bottom of your front teeth on an object, that could cause a severe problem if they are not shifted back into place by an oral surgeon.
Minor chips off the top surface of a molar that lack pain aren’t a real emergency but should be evaluated by a dentist ASAP. If you aren’t sure the damage is an emergency, it is always wise to defer the judgment to a dental professional.
Pain in the Teeth
We like to stress that dental problems don’t go away with rest and at-home treatments once they advance to a certain point. Pain in your teeth or gums is never a good sign. When you feel discomfort that cannot be ignored, that can signify that a cavity has advanced to the point where it needs serious attention or that gum disease has transitioned to periodontal disease. If you continue to ignore oral pain, these problems can lead to infections.
One of the best ways to determine a dental emergency with teeth is when you have pain or discomfort you can’t ignore, which also interferes with day-to-day activity. This is your body telling you there is a problem in your mouth, that needs to be addressed. We would consider this a dental emergency.
Pain in Gum Tissue
It is sometimes normal to experience discomfort and bleeding in your gums if you are re-commencing brushing and flossing after taking a break for several weeks. However, it is not normal for this pain and bleeding to persist for several hours after brushing or flossing. Pain and bleeding in the gums should also not happen of their own accord.
Contact McKenzie Family Dentistry if your gums are irritated and bleeding for extended periods. This could signify you have gum disease entering its most advanced stages. Advanced gum disease is also called periodontal disease, and it is irreversible without dental help once it takes hold.
Contact McKenzie Family Dentistry!
Dental emergencies can be determined at home, but it is always a good idea to defer to the opinion of a dental professional if you think you might have a problem. People tend to think that dental problems aren’t as severe as other bodily complications, but the reality is that the mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body. If something goes wrong with your teeth or gums, it could signify other health problems soon.
Contact us today, and come in for regular checkups, and dental emergencies for you and your family will be rare!